Picture of Anna Bruce

Anna Bruce

School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering
Room 318, Level 3, Tyree Energy Technologies Building
Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Date
Energy Trends Visualisation Tools, Final Report Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Dylan McConnell, Nargess Nourbakhsh, Ed Langham, Maartje Feenstra, Jaysson Guerrero Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers
Rooftop solar potential of Australian housing stock by tenure and dwelling type Mohammad Dehghanimadvar, Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Renate Egan Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers
As Australia’s net zero transition threatens to stall, rooftop solar could help provide the power we need Anna Bruce, Baran Yildiz, Mike Roberts, Dani Alexander Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles
CEEM submission - Response to DCCEEW’s Renewable Electricity Guarantee of Origin Approach paper Shanil Samarakoon, Anna Bruce, Mike Roberts, Dylan McConnell, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
24/7 TRUZERO submission - Response to DCCEEW’s Policy position paper for renewable electricity certification under the Guarantee of Origin scheme and for economy-wide use Anna Bruce, Mike Roberts, Dylan McConnell, Rob Passey, Shanil Samarakoon, Iain MacGill, Steve Hoy Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
Quantifying reserve capabilities for designing flexible electricity markets: An Australian case study with increasing penetrations of renewables Abhijith Prakash, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Rohan Ashby Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles
'Real-world data analysis of distributed PV and battery energy storage system curtailment in low voltage networks', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 186 Baran Yildiz, Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Renate Egan, Timothy Klymenko, Muhammad Syahman Samhan, Greg Abramowitz, Alistair B. Sproul Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Technology Assessments Journal papers
Energy Resilience in Bushfires and Extreme Weather Events Sophie Adams, Mike Roberts, Shanil Samarakoon, Ellie Kallmier, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Declan Kuch, Renate Egan, Michael Dillon, Rachel Szczepaniak, Iain MacGill, Alison Potter Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers
Towards a repair research agenda for off-grid solar e-waste in the Global South Paul Munro, Shanil Samarakoon, Anna Bruce, Ulrich E. Hansen, Matthew Kearnes, Jamie Cross, Sarah Walker, Collen Zalengera Journal papers
'Impacts of electrifying public transit on the electricity grid, from regional to state level analysis', Applied Energy, 307 Katelyn Purnell, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Journal papers
'Nempy: A Python package for modelling the Australian National Electricity Market dispatch procedure' Nicholas Gorman, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal papers
'Insights on designing effective and efficient frequency control arrangements from the Australian National Electricity Market', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161 Abhijith Prakash, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Impact of residential battery energy storage systems on the peak reverse power flows from distributed photovoltaic systems', Journal of Energy Storage, 52 Hou Sheng Zhou, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Response to Capacity Mechanism Project High-level Design Paper' Abhijith Prakash, Declan Heim, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Ashleigh Nicholls Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Techno-economic assessment of the storage value of a novel modular Beam-Down Receiver CSP plant in Australia', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Anna Bruce, David Saldivia and Robert A. Taylor Technology Assessments Extended abstract
'Impact of input error on PV system simulation under partial shading conditions', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Simon Heslop, Laura Johnson Technology Assessments Extended abstract
'Decarbonising land transport in Micronesia: a case for electric vehicles', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Edoardo Santagata, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Extended abstract
'Opportunities for flexible resources to improve transmission utilisation in NSW Renewable Energy Zones', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Ashleigh Nicholls Large-scale Renewable Energy Extended abstract
'Centralised battery operation for community owned embedded networks', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Anna Bruce, Rob Passey, Laura Johnson Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Extended abstract
'Impact of tariffs and system costs on optimal PV system size', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Ellie Kallmier, Mike Roberts, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce Technology Assessments Extended abstract
'Generating synthetic residential electricity load profiles using household characteristics', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Zahra Rahimpour, Navid Haghdadi, Mike Roberts, Nargess Nourbakhsh, Anna Bruce Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Extended abstract
'A review of services and value provided by EV managed charging', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Liping Wang, Baran Yildiz, Anna Bruce Electric vehicles Extended abstract
'The Emissions-based Social Benefits of Large-Scale Transmission', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2022 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Bailey Chappel Large-scale Renewable Energy Extended abstract
'A change in the air? The role of offshore wind in Australia's transition to a 100% renewable grid', The Electricity Journal, 35 Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Jonathan Rispler Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal papers
A Novel Temperature-Independent Model for Estimating the Cooling Energy in Residential Homes for Pre-Cooling and Solar Pre-Cooling Simon Heslop, Baran Yildiz, Mike Roberts, Shayan Naderi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Renate Egan, Dong Chen, Tim Lau Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal papers
'High Penetration PV Penetrations in the NEM: How big a challenge for System Services?', State of Energy Research Conference Anna Bruce, Kanyawee Keeratimahat, Abhijith Prakash, Iain MacGill, Rohan Ashby Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
Aggregated impact of coordinated commercial-scale battery energy storage systems on network peak demand, and financial outcomes Hou Sheng Zhou, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Alistair B. Sproul Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal papers
Exogenous influences on deployment and profitability of photovoltaics for self-consumption in multi-apartment buildings in Australia and Austria Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Bernadette Fina, Hans Auer Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Response to Frequency control rule changes directions paper' Abhijith Prakash, Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Response to Reserve Services in the National Electricity Market Directions Paper' Abhijith Prakash, Nicholas Gorman, Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Impact of High Solar and Wind Penetrations and Different Reliability Targets on Dynamic Operating Reserves in Electricity Generation Expansion Planning', Electricity Journal, 34 Yusak Tanoto, Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Navid Haghdadi Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal papers
'Response to Fast frequency response market ancillary service draft rule determination' Abhijith Prakash, Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Response to Energy Security Board's Post 2025 Market Design Options Papers' Abhijith Prakash, Kanyawee Keeratimahat, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Rohan Ashby Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions
'Analysis of electricity consumption and thermal storage of domestic electric water heating systems to utilize exess PV generation', Energy, 235 Baran Yildiz, Mike Roberts, Simon Heslop, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Renate Egan, Jose I. Bilbao, Jonathan Dore, Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Assessment of control tools for utilizing excess distributed photovoltaic generation in domestic electric water heating systems', Applied Energy Baran Yildiz, Mike Roberts, Simon Heslop, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Renate Egan, Jose I. Bilbao, Jonathon Dore, Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'In conversation with UNSW’s Anna Bruce on distributed transformation',PV Magazine Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media
'A case study on the behaviour of residential battery energy storage systems during network and demand peaks,' Renewable Energy, 180 Hou Sheng Zhou, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Curtailment and Network Voltage Analysis Study (CANVAS)', Race for 2030, 2021 Baran Yildiz, Sophie Adams, Shanil Samarakoon, Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers
'Curtailment and network voltage analysis study', IEEE, PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), 2021 Baran Yildiz, Naomi Stringer , Sophie Adams, Shanil Samarakoon, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Alistair B. Sproul Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
Research and innovation agenda for energy resilience in Pacific Island Countries and Territories Anna Bruce, Paul Munro, Edoardo Santagata, Iain MacGill, Manu Rawali, Atul Raturi, Long Seng To Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal papers
'Observed behavior of distributed photovoltaic systems during major voltage disturbances and implications for power system security', Applied Energy, 260:114283 Naomi Stringer , Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Jenny Riesz, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Clustering based assessment of cost, security and environmental tradeoffs with possible future electricity generation portfolios', Applied Energy, 270 Yusak Tanoto, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal papers
'Submission to the Semi scheduled generator rule change(s) Issues paper' Abhijith Prakash, Kanyawee Keeratimahat, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions
'Submission to the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper – A framework to accelerate low emissions technologies' Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce Sustainability & general Submissions
'Submission to the AER consultation paper: Assessing DER integration expenditure' Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce, Mike Roberts, Sophie Adams, Iain MacGill, Katelyn Purnell, Hou Sheng Zhou Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions
Voltage Analysis of the LV Distribution Network in the Australian National Electricity Market Simon Heslop, Naomi Stringer , Baran Yildiz, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Rob Passey, Phoebe (Heywood) Dennis Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers
'Consumer-Led Transition: Australia's World-Leading Distributed Energy Resource Integration Efforts', IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 18 Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Navid Haghdadi, Peter Kilby, Jacqui Mills, Taru Veijalainen, Matt Armitage, Nigel Wilmot Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Response to the Energy Security Board's Post 2025 Market Design Consultation Paper' Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Abhijith Prakash Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Analysis of short-term operational forecast deviations and controllability of utility-scale photovoltaic plants', Renewable Energy Kanyawee Keeratimahat, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal papers
'UNSW submission to AS4777.2 draft' Naomi Stringer , Baran Yildiz, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Submissions
'Workshop Background Paper: Energy Resilience in Pacific Island Countries & Territories' Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Paul Munro, Atul Raturi, Manu Rawali, Darcy Small, Ashleigh Nicholls, Thomas Jeffrey, Long Seng To Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers
'An open source tool for analyzing the impact of electricity network and retail tariffs on consumers', IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Montreal, Canada, 2020 Navid Haghdadi, Iain MacGill, Nicholas Gorman, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'Climate policy and intelligent transport systems: Application of new transport technologies to reduce greenhouse emissions', National Conference on Emerging Trends on Sustainable Technology and Engineering Applications, 2020 Mohsen Fadaee Nejad, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electric vehicles, Sustainability & general Conference papers
'Survey based characterisation of energy services for improved design and operation of standalone microgrids', Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 101 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Bhupendra Shakya Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Opportunities and Barriers for Photovoltaics on Multi-Unit Residential Buildings: Reviewing the Australian Experience’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 104 Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Potential impacts of residential PV and battery storage on Australia's electricity networks under different tariffs', Energy Policy, 128 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Sharon Young Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
An Energy Data Manifesto, in Good Data, Edited by A. Daly, S.K. Devitt, and M. Mann, Institute of Network Cultures: Amsterdam. Declan Kuch, Naomi Stringer , Luke Marshall, Mike Roberts, Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Rob Passey, Sharon Young Sustainability & general Book chapters
'Photovoltaics on Apartment Buildings', Project report to Energy Consumers Australia Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Navid Haghdadi, Rob Passey, Jessie Copper, Rebecca Hu, Tyce Barton Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers
'Impact of shared battery energy storage systems on photovoltaic self-consumption and electricity bills in apartment buildings', Applied Energy, 245 Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Submission to SAPN’s Tariff Structure Statement for 2020-25 and their Pricing Proposal for 2019/20' Rob Passey, Iain MacGill, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Characterisation of Australian apartment electricity demand and its implications for low-carbon cities', Energy, 180 Mike Roberts, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
‘A comparison of arrangements for increasing self-consumption and maximising the value of distributed photovoltaics on apartment buildings' Solar Energy, 193 Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Inquiry Into Electric Buses in Regional and Metropolitan Public Transport Networks in NSW, Submission in response to the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure' Anna Bruce, Katelyn Purnell, Iain MacGill Submissions
‘The value of flexible load in power systems with high renewable energy penetration’, Energy, 188 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Zoe Hungerford Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal papers
'A characterisation of air conditioning consumption in Australia’s eastern capitals', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference Simon Heslop, Anna Bruce, Renate Egan, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Historical Market Trends of Distributed Photovoltaic Inverters in Australia', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Naomi Stringer , Phoebe (Heywood) Dennis Technology Assessments Conference papers
'Electricity Access Challenges and Opportunities in Papua New Guinea (PNG)', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2019 Manu Rawali, Anna Bruce, Atul Raturi, Iain MacGill, Brian Spak Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
How much rooftop solar can be installed in Australia? Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Kriti Nagrath, Chris Briggs, Jessie Copper, John Mckibben Reports and Working Papers
'Who pays, who benefits? The financial impacts of solar photovoltaic systems and air-conditioners on Australian households’, Energy Research and Social Science, 39 Rob Passey, Muriel Watt, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Collective Prosumerism: Accessing the Potential of Embedded Networks to Increase the Deployment of Distributed Generation on Australian Apartment Buildings', Energycon, Limasol, Cyprus, 2018 Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
Submission in response to the Senate Select Committee on Electric Vehicles: Opportunities to facilitate electric mobility in Australia Katelyn Purnell, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Sharon Young, David Dixon Electric vehicles Submissions
Submission to the Open Energy Networks Consultation Paper Rob Passey, Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions
Brief overview of some CEEM work relevant to the Electricity Networks Economic Regulatory Frameworks Review 2018 Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions
'The future of Community Renewable Energy for electricity access in rural Central America', Energy Research & Social Science, 25 Anna Bruce, Muriel Watt, Rolando Madriz-Vargas Sustainability & general Journal papers
'Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Adelaide', prepared for the Australian PV Institute Anna Bruce, Mike Roberts, Jessie Copper Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers
'Analysis of Rooftop Solar Potential on Australian Residential Buildings', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2018 Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Jessie Copper Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Electrified Transport Opportunities for Low Carbon Mobility in Australian Cities', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2018 Katelyn Purnell, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Conference papers
'Impacts of PV System Configuration, Retail Tariffs and Annual Household Consumption on Payback Times for Residential Battery Energy Storage', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2018 Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Sharon Young Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Sharing Benefits in Community Embedded Networks with Renewable Energy', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2018 Anna Bruce, Rob Passey, Emily Banks Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'NEMOSIS – NEM Open Source Information Service; open-source access to Australian National Electricity Market Data', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2018 Nicholas Gorman, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
Submission to the NEM VPP Demonstrations Program Consultation Paper Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market‘ Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Declan Kuch, Luke Marshall, Naomi Stringer , Sharon Young Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
'Submission to the AEMC review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks’ Mike Roberts, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions
'Submission in response to the AEMC’s Distribution Market Model draft report, AEMC Project Number SEA0004’ Naomi Stringer , Mike Roberts, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Sharon Young Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions
'Designing more cost reflective electricity network tariffs with demand charges', Energy Policy, 109 Rob Passey, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'A method to estimate the location and orientation of distributed photovoltaic systems from their generation output data’, Renewable Energy, 108 Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Copper, J. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems on Zone Substation Peak’, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9 Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Rob Passey Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
’Submission in response to the AEMC’s draft report on the review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks' Mike Roberts, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions
’The future of Community Renewable Energy for electricity access in rural Central America’, Energy Research & Social Science, 35 Anna Bruce, Muriel Watt, Madriz-Vargas, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Journal papers
’Community renewable energy in Panama: a sustainability assessment of the “Boca de Lura” PV-Wind-Battery hybrid power system’, Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 2 Anna Bruce, Muriel Watt, Madriz-Vargas, R., Alvarez, H. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Journal papers
’Submission to Select Senate Committee into the Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure in a Warming World’, Feb Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Sharon Young Sustainability & general Submissions
'Photovoltaic Deployment Experience and Technical Potential in Indonesia's Java-Madura-Bali Electricity Grid', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Yusak Tanoto, Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Navid Haghdadi Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Fast Frequency Response Markets for High Renewable Energy Penetrations in the Future Australian NEM', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2017 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, James Banks Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'Least Cost High Renewable Energy Penetration Scenarios in the Java Bali Grid System', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2017 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Arionmaro Asi Simaremare Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'PV for Apartment Builldings: Which Side of the Meter?', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Allocation Rules and Meter Timing Issues in Local Energy or 'Peer to Peer' Networks', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2017 Luke Marshall, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'Retail Electricity Tariff Design to Incentivise Efficient Consumer Behaviour', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Emma Presutti Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'Open Source Model for Operational and Commercial Assessment of Local Electricity Sharing Schemes in the Australian National Electricity Market', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Naomi Stringer , Luke Marshall, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Data driven exploration of voltage conditions in low voltage network for sites with distributed solar PV', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2017 Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Impact of Demand Response in the Australian National Electricity Market with High Renewable Energy Penetration', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2017 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Ben Madafiglio Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'Short term variability of utility-scale PV in the Australian National Electricity Market', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Kanyawee Keeratimahat, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'A Cross-case Analysis of Needs, Barriers and Opportunities from Community Renewable Energy Projects in Central America', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2017 Anna Bruce, Muriel Watt, Rolando Madriz-Vargas Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
Tariff Design and Analysis Tool Users Guide Navid Haghdadi, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Sharon Young Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers
'Impact of Distributed PV on Peak Demand in the Australian National Electricity Market', IEEE PESGM, Chicago, IL, USA Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Generator Revenue in the Australian National Electricity Market with High Renewables and a Synchronous Generation Constraint', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2017 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Shira Samocha Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
CEEM Submission to the AEMC Consultation Paper: National Electricity Amendment (Local Generation Network Credits) Rule 2015 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Rob Passey, Naomi Stringer Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions
'AUSTRALIA’S CLIMATE POLICY OPTIONS, Submission in response to the Climate Change Authority’s Special Review Second Draft Report' Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Neil Raffan Sustainability & general Submissions
'Large-Scale Renewable Energy Deployment in Developing Countries: Opportunities to address the energy trilemma of the Philippines’ electricity industry’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Ben Elliston, Enano, N. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Conference papers
'Operational performance analysis of distributed PV systems in Australia’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Copper, J. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Review of very short term frequency management strategies for integration of high penetrations of non-synchronous utility-scale PV in electricity markets’, APSRC 2015, Canberra, Australia Kanyawee Keeratimahat, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference papers
'Energy with Development: 50 years’ Experience of Community-driven Rural Electrification and Future Challenges for COOPEGUANACASTE in Costa Rica’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Anna Bruce, Muriel Watt, Madrid-Vargas, R., Rojas, Y.A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Conference papers
'Distributed Energy Resources and the Australian NEM – a good match?’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Luke Marshall, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'The Potential Value of Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in the Australian National Electricity Market’, APSRC 2015, Canberra, Australia Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Roy, A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'A Framework to Assess the Ability of Network Regulatory Arrangements to Facilitate Appropriate Investment in Distributed Energy’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Young, S. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Submission to the Climate Change Fund Draft Strategic Plan 2017-2022’ Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Graham Mills Sustainability & general Submissions
’Electricity network revenue under different Australian residential tariff designs and customer interventions’, IEEE PESGN, July 2016 Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Young, S. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Using PV to help meet Common Property Energy Demand in Residential Apartment Buildings', 2016 Australian Summer Study on Energy Productivity, Sydney, Australia Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Gareth Huxham Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Photovoltaics in Australia: Time for a rethink', IEEE Power & Energy Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Articles
'How the networks fiddle with data to trash rooftop solar PV', RenewEconomy Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media
'An Assessment of the Cost-Reflectivity of Proposed Network Tariffs in Australia’, Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference 2015, Brisbane, Australia Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Rob Passey, Kelly, D. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
‘Planning in the Australian National Electricity  Market  -  Challenges and Opportunities’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Raffan, N. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
'Assessing the Representativeness of ‘Live’ Distributed PV Data for Upscaled PV Generation Estimates’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Real Time Generation Mapping of Distributed PV for Network Planning and Operations’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Dennis, J. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Review  of  demand  side  management  modelling  for  application to renewables integration in Australian power market’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Hungerford, Z. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'PV in Australian Apartment Buildings – Opportunities and Barriers', APSRC 2015, Brisbane, Australia Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Energy White Paper 2014, Green Paper Submission’ Iain MacGill, Jenny Riesz, Peerapat Vithayasrichareon, Anna Bruce, Raffan, N. Sustainability & general Submissions
'PV System Reliability – Preliminary Findings from the PV Module and System Fault Reporting Website’, APSRC 2014 Anna Bruce, Rob Passey, Zaman, A., Parlevliet, D., Calais, M., Djordjevic, S., Pulsford, S. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference papers
'A review of the potential benefits and risks of photovoltaic hybrid mini-grid systems', Renewable Energy, 67  Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Hazelton, J. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal papers
'The Benefits and Risks Photovoltaic Hybrid Mini-grid Systems for Rural Electrification in Northern Territory, Australia’, 7th International Conference on PV-Hybrids and Mini-grids, Bad Hersfeld, Germany: OTTI Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Hazelton, J. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference papers
'PV Integration on Existing Diesel Mini-grids in Australia : Comparison of operational modeling and actual system performance’, Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Hazelton, J. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference papers
‘Magnetic Island and Townsville Solar City: A Case Study of Increasing PV Penetration in Electricity Networks’ Anna Bruce, Simon Heslop, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers
'Who shall inherit the mini grids? Examining ownership and business models for PV Hybrid Mini grids’, University of the South Pacific Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill, Hazelton, J. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'Solar Computer Systems: A Techno-Economic Field Investigation in Nepali Hill Schools’, AUSES Solar 2011 Anna Bruce, Hazelton, J., Basnet, S. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference papers
Assessing the potential impacts of electric vehicles on the electricity distribution network, 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 Dec to 3 Dec 2010 Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Cain, A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference papers