Declan Kuch

Faculty of Arts
Social Sciences
Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Date
Social license to automate batteries? Australian householder conditions for participation in Virtual Power Plants Mike Roberts, Sophie Adams, Declan Kuch Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
Energy Resilience in Bushfires and Extreme Weather Events Sophie Adams, Mike Roberts, Shanil Samarakoon, Ellie Kallmier, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce, Declan Kuch, Renate Egan, Michael Dillon, Rachel Szczepaniak, Iain MacGill, Alison Potter Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers
'Social license to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand management', Energy Research and Social Science, 80 Sophie Adams, Declan Kuch, Lisa Diamond, Peter Fröhlich, Ida Marie Henriksen, Cecilia Katzeff, Marianne Ryghaug, Selin Yilmaz Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
'N1 Oppurtunity Assessment - Electric vehicles and the grid', Race for 2030, 2021 Declan Kuch, Amelia Thorpe, Alannah Milton Electric vehicles Reports and Working Papers
VPP User Research - Final Report Mike Roberts, Sophie Adams, Declan Kuch Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers
Ecogeneration "The VIPs in the VPP … putting users at the centre" Mike Roberts, Sophie Adams, Declan Kuch, Jonathan Dore Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Articles
An Energy Data Manifesto, in Good Data, Edited by A. Daly, S.K. Devitt, and M. Mann, Institute of Network Cultures: Amsterdam. Declan Kuch, Naomi Stringer , Luke Marshall, Mike Roberts, Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Rob Passey, Sharon Young Sustainability & general Book chapters
'Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market‘ Iain MacGill, Anna Bruce, Declan Kuch, Luke Marshall, Naomi Stringer , Sharon Young Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions
A Chip off the Old Block, for NewMatilda, 2nd Sept 2009 Declan Kuch Sustainability & general Articles
Emissions Trading: 'Grip on reality' or just 'trust in numbers', for the Australian Review of Public Affairs, August 2008 Stephen Healy, Declan Kuch Emissions trading Articles