The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Year
'Assessing the Capacity Value of Variable Renewable Generation in the Australian National Electricity Market, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Lo, W.-C., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2016
'Assessing the Short-Term Revenue Impacts of Residential PV Systems on Electricity Customers, Retailers and Network Service Providers’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54, p1494-1505 Oliva, S., MacGill I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2016
'Assessing the viability of Energy-Only Markets with 100% Renewables', Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 5(1) Riesz, J. , Gilmore, J., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2016
'AUSTRALIA’S CLIMATE POLICY OPTIONS, Submission in response to the Climate Change Authority’s Special Review Second Draft Report' Neil Raffan, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Submissions 2016
'Cost-reflective tariffs will do little to reduce network costs' in RenewEconomy Rob Passey , Navid Haghdadi Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2016
'Distributed Energy Resources and the Australian NEM – a good match?’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Luke Marshall , Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'Energy for Australia in the 21st Century: The central role of electricity’, Australian Academy of Science  Various, incl Iain MacGill Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2016
'Energy with Development: 50 years’ Experience of Community-driven Rural Electrification and Future Challenges for COOPEGUANACASTE in Costa Rica’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Madrid-Vargas, R., Bruce, A. , Watt, M., Rojas, Y.A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2016
'Grid electricity for Fiji islands: Future supply options and assessment of demand trends', Energy, 119, pp.860-871  Ravita D.Prasad, Atul Raturi Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2016
'Grid-Connected PV Systems in the Pacific Island Countries', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, pp. 419 – 428 Atul Raturi , Aman Singh, Ravita D.Prasad Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2016
'Large-Scale Renewable Energy Deployment in Developing Countries: Opportunities to address the energy trilemma of the Philippines’ electricity industry’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Enano, N., MacGill, I., Bruce, A. , Elliston, B. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2016
'Measuring project sustainability maturity level - A fuzzy-based approach’, International Journal of Sustainable Development, 86, p784-791. Siew, R.Y.J., Balatbat, M.C., Carmichael, D. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2016
'Operational performance analysis of distributed PV systems in Australia’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Haghdadi, N., Copper, J., Bruce, A., MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'Peer Review on Low Carbon Energy Policies in Viet Nam’, APEC Energy Working Group Various, incl Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2016
'Quantifying key uncertainties in the costs of nuclear power’, International Journal of Energy Research Riesz, J. , Sotiriadis, C., Vithayasrichareon, P., Gilmore, J. Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2016
'Real world caveats to electricity network tariff design', in RenewEconomy Rob Passey , Navid Haghdadi Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2016
'Research and Deployment Priorities for Renewable Technologies: Quantifying the importance of various renewable technologies for low cost, high renewable electricity systems in an Australian case study’, Energy Policy Riesz, J. , Elliston, B. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2016
'Review of very short term frequency management strategies for integration of high penetrations of non-synchronous utility-scale PV in electricity markets’, APSRC 2015, Canberra, Australia Keeratimahat, K , Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2016
'Shifting sands of Australia's electricity transition', InfraAsia Burgess, K Sustainability & general Media 2016
'Solar Home Systems vs. the Grid in Rural India: A Balancing Act of Risk and Reward’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia George, D.R., MacGill, I. F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2016
