Energy Resilience in Extreme Weather Events.

Research status


Energy Sustainability through Knowledge and Information Exchange and Sharing (ESKIES) aims to increase community understanding of the role of solar, batteries, and other Distributed Energy Resources (DER), as well as energy management approaches, in maintaining electricity supply to regional and rural communities during bushfires and other disruptions to the electricity grid.

The study aims to build energy resilience in vulnerable communities by developing an understanding of the role that solar, batteries and other renewable energy sources, as well as energy management approaches, can play in maintaining electricity supply to regional and rural communities during bushfires and other disruptions to the electricity grid.

We have been speaking to homes and businesses in areas of New South Wales where the power supply is affected by fires, floods and extreme weather.
Sharing these experiences could help other people and communities improve their energy reliability.

We are now speaking to professionals with various types of expertise to understand their perspectives on how to build community energy resilience. We are also observing a number of case studies to explore the roles of communities in projects for increasing grid resilience.

Later in 2022, we will conduct scenario visioning workshops with participants to explore how options to build energy resilience can align with community priorities and meet their needs.

Find out more

If you would like to know more about the project, please leave us a message here or call 02 9348 0562.

Project Partners

This is a Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund (BCRRF) project funded through the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

  • CEEM - UNSW Sydney
  • Australian PV Institute
  • NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment