Ted Spooner

School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications
Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Date
'Investigating the Value of Making Hourly Operational Decisions for Residential Distributed Energy Resources', in Proc. IEEE PES2012, San Diego, July Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner, Pedrasa, M.A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
'The Potential Impacts of Grid-connected Distributed Generation and How to Address Them: A Review of Technical and Non-technical Factors', Energy Policy, 39 Rob Passey, Ted Spooner, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt, Syngellakis, K. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal papers
'Robust Scheduling of Residential Distributed Energy Resources Using a Novel Energy Service Decision-Support Tool', at the 2nd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2011) Conference, Jan 17-19, 2011, Anaheim, California, USA. The associated po Ted Spooner, Iain MacGill, Pedrasa, M. A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
An Energy Service Decision-Support Tool for Optimal Energy Services Acquisition Ted Spooner, Iain MacGill, Michael Angelo Pedrasa Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers
'Study of Grid-connect Photovoltaic Systems: Benefits, Opportunities and Strategies', Progress in Photovoltaics, 17 Rob Passey, Muriel Watt, Ted Spooner, Snow, M., Outhred, H. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal papers
'Scheduling of Demand Side Resources Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization,'  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24 Ted Spooner, Iain MacGill, Pedrasa M.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal papers
Improved Energy Services Provision through the Intelligent Control of Distributed Energy Resources, presented at the 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 28 June - 2 July 2009 Ted Spooner, Iain MacGill, Pedrasa, M. A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
Dispatch of Interruptible Loads Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization: A Comparison of Constraint-Handling Methods, in Proc. Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08), Sydney, December . Ted Spooner, Iain MacGill, Pedrasa, M.A. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference papers
Study of Grid-connect Photovoltaic Systems - Benefits, Opportunities, Barriers and Strategies for the Western Australian Office of Energy. Rob Passey, Muriel Watt, Ted Spooner, Hugh Outhred, Mark Snow Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers
A Survey of Techniques Used to Control Microgrid Generation and Storage during island Operation, to be published in the proceedings of the AUPEC 2006 Conference, December 10-13, Melbourne, Australia Ted Spooner, Michael Pedrasa Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
Photovoltaics and Peak Electricity Loads, Summer 2003-04, Report prepared for the BCSE, May 2005. Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner, Monica Oliphant, Hugh Outhred, Scott Partlin Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers
Analyses of Photovoltaic System Output, Temperature, Electricity Loads and National Electricity Market Prices - Summer 2003-04, ANZSES'04, Perth, November . Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner, Scott Partlin, Monica Oliphant, Hugh Outhred Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference papers
Development of a Standard Connection Agreement for Small Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Systems - Discussion Paper, for the Australian Greenhouse Office, January 2004 Rob Passey, Muriel Watt, Ted Spooner, David Roche Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers
Proposed Guidelines and Agreements for Small Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Systems - Final Report , for the Australian Greenhouse Office, December 2004 Rob Passey, Muriel Watt, Ted Spooner, David Roche Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers
The Value of PV in Summer Peaks Paper for EUPVSEC'04 European PV Solar Conference, Paris, June 2004 . Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner, Scott Partlin, Monica Oliphant, Hugh Outhred Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference papers