The Transition of Emissions Trading Schemes: From State to National Level

A joint workshop with Baker and McKenzie was held on the 12th August. Attended by 100 delegates from industry, government, academia and NGOs, it covered a wide range of issues relevant to development and operation of emission trading schemes in both Australia and Europe.

Kyoto Mechanisms: Successes, Challenges and Reform

by Cameron Hepburn, Deputy Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford, UK, 26th August 2008 [pdf]. The associated paper is available [link].

International Research Workshop: Global Environmental Issues

International Research Workshop

Day 3: Friday 20th February
9 am – 12 pm
Peter Farrell Room, John Niland Scientia Building

Topic: Global Environmental Issues
Chair: Dr. Regina Betz, School of Economics, Joint Director of the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets


1.9.00 am – 9.15 am
Participant Introductions

2.9.15 am – 9.45 am
Regina Betz, UNSW

Experts Workshop on Emissions Trading Scheme Design - 18th March 2008

Organised jointly with the EDN, CERF/EERH and the Victorian Department of Environment and Sustainability, held at the Department of Climate Change, Canberra. Presentations and discussions focused on emissions trading design, EU ETS insights and lessons learnt that are directly relevant for policy decisions on emissions trading for Australia. It was attended by the Department of Climate Change and Treasury.

CEEM China-Australia Carbon Market Design Workshop

This workshop provided an opportunity for CEEM researchers to learn more about the current status of pilot schemes in China and at the same time provided the opportunity to give an overview of CEEM research relevant to carbon markets.

In addition to the presentations below, the following material is available.

Emissions trading in Australia - allocation challenges

A Public Forum organised by the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, The Institute of Environmental Studies (UNSW) and the Environmental Economics Research Hub on the 1st Sept 2008.


9.00am       Opening by Regina Betz [pdf]


9.10am       Key speaker:

Cameron Hepburn (Oxford University)


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