China-Australia Carbon Market Development Expert Symposium


CEEM’s first Symposium for 2014 on China-Australia Carbon Market Development provided a unique opportunity to hear from researchers from Tsinghua University, Wuhan University and other Chinese ETS pilot schemes, together with UNSW researchers. It provided useful information on the design and likely impact of these schemes.  

This event was organised by CEEM with the assistance of the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy (CCEP), ANU.

China-Australia Carbon Market Design Expert Workshop: Allocation Approaches and lessons learnt so far

This event was jointly organised by CEEM and the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University, China, and was held at Tsinghua University, 12th Oct 2013. The program can be found here and a photo of participants can be found here.

China-Australia Carbon Market Design Expert Workshop

This event was jointly organised by CEEM and the Department of Public Economics, School of Economics, Fudan University, China, and was held at Fudan University. The program can be found here and a photo of the participants here.


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