Smart EV integration

The economic value of smart integration of electric vehicles into the Australian electricity industry.

Research status

Project outline

The aim of this project is to develop tools for better understanding and managing the integration of Electric Vehicles (EVs) into the Australian electricity industry. The project focuses on the economics of EV integration with respect to both potential network and energy market operation and investment, and in the context of other industry developments including smart grids and growing renewable generation. 

The expected outcomes are a set of tools for analysing and managing the impacts of EV charging from household and commercial facilities, to localized regions of the distribution network, through to system-wide impacts.



The partner organisation is Better Place Australia. 

ARC Linkage Project LP100200756


UNSW Research Project Team

Iain MacGill – Chief Investigator
Paul Twomey – Chief Investigator
Regina Betz – Chief Investigator
Robert Passey – Senior Research Associate
Graham Mills – PhD student