Tariff Design and Assessment Workshop - Sydney

Tariff Design and Assessment Workshop - Sydney (11th Dec 2019)

In this workshop we will review the latest progress on the project: Tariff Design and Assessment tool. The project, funded by Energy Consumers Australia, builds on the earlier work in developing a tool that stakeholders can use to assess the impacts of different network tariff proposals on end-users. The new version is in Python and extends the functionality of the previous tool by incorporating retail tariffs and wholesale energy market price, incorporating the impact of DER and DR, as well as a range of other enhancements. We therefore cordially invite you to attend these workshops. The workshops are free but require RSVP.

The workshop in Sydney will be held on Wednesday 11th Dec 10am to 1pm, UNSW CBD campus (T8 on Level 7, 1 O’Connell Street, Sydney), please RSVP here for catering. Morning tea and light lunch will be provided.

Event date
Wednesday 11th December 2019
Event address


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