Analysing the performance of the Australian National Electricity Market

by Dr Xinmin Hu, UNSW. Tuesday 30 November 2004. Download the flyer [MSWord] and the presentation [pdf]. A useful background paper on this work is available [pdf]

An introduction to CEEM and the Centre for PV Engineering

CEEM and CPVE hosted a visiting delegation from the National Defence University in Washington DC on 10 May. The four presentations are available: "CEEM's work in energy market design," Iain MacGill [pdf], "Overview of Australian Environmental Markets" Karel Nolles[pdf] "Environmental Pollution: measuring the damage" A/Prof.

A series of lectures for the Masters course Managing the Greenhouse at the UNSW Institute of Environmental Studies

 "Energy Markets and Climate Change" [pdf] and "Market-based Policy Instruments for Climate Change" [pdf] by Iain MacGill, and "Carbon Taxes: A tool for managing greenhouse" by Frank Muller [pdf].

3-day Short Course: Fundamentals of Electricity Industry Restructuring: December 2006

3-day Short Course: Fundamentals of Electricity Industry Restructuring: A 3 day short course presented by Hugh Outhred in Singapore 6th-8th December 2006 and in Hong Kong, 11th-13th December 2006.

3-day Short Course: Competitive Electricity Industry Masterclass: 8th -10th May 2007

A 3 day short course presented by Hugh Outhred, for experienced industry personnel encompassing regulatory updates, NEM analysis, trading, risk management, pricing & managing market power.  Held in Brisbane 8th -10th May 2007.

Reducing Carbon Emissions from the Electricity Sector: Design Experiences and Challenges

At the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society's 57th Annual Conference, CEEM convened a mini-symposium:

Reducing Carbon Emissions from the Electricity Sector: Design Experiences and Challenges


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