The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Year

What is driving Price Volatility in the EU ETS? in the Australasian Emissions Trading Forum Review, Oct/Nov 2006 pp4-5

Regina Betz Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2006

What Role for Nuclear Power in the Australian Electricity Industry?, Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Energy (AIE) Annual Conference, November

Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2006
'Off-grid Photovoltaic Applications in Indonesia: An Assessment of Current Experience, Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future - Australia and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES), Annual Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand 28-30 November 2005' Maria Retnanestri [nid:328], Hugh Outhred [nid:330], Stephen Healy Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2005
'Off-grid Photovoltaic Sustainability and Its Potential Role in Facilitating Sustainable Rural Development, The World Regional Energy Conference and Exhibition WRERCE 2005, PRJ Kemayoran, 17-21 April, Jakarta, Indonesia' Maria Retnanestri [nid:328], Hugh Outhred [nid:330], Stephen Healy Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2005
A Cost Benefit Analysis of Perth's Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses, at the British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) Academic Conference in association with UK Energy Research Centre, St John's College Oxford Tony Owen, Colin Cockroft Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2005

Decomposition of Energy-related CO2 Emissions in the Indonesian Manufacturing Sector, at the 28th Annual International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, Taipei, Taiwan

Rislima Sitompul, Tony Owen Emissions trading Conference Papers 2005

Emissions Trading for Australia: Design, transition and linking options

Regina Betz, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2005

Emissions trading to combat climate change: The impact of scheme design on transaction costs, at the British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) Academic Conference in association with UK Energy Research Centre, St John's College Oxford. The associated presentation is also available.

Regina Betz Emissions trading Conference Papers 2005
Energy Usage and the Environment, Harvard International Review, Vol. 26. Tony Owen Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2005

Epsilon-optimal bidding in an electricity market with discontinuous market distribution function, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol 44 (2005) pp.1391-1418.

Eddie Anderson, Huifi Xu Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2005
Externalities and Subsidies: the Economics of Hydrogen-based Transportation Technologies, Energy Studies Review, Vol. 13, 2005, pp. 128-144 Tony Owen Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2005

Finding Supply Function Equilibria with Asymmetric Firms - working paper

Eddie Anderson, Xinmin Hu Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers 2005

Incentives for energy efficiency and innovation in the European Emission Trading System, in Proc. ECEEE'2005, Nice, June

Joachim Schleich, Regina Betz Emissions trading Journal Papers 2005
Integrating the many dimensions of sustainability: energy systems, comments for the National Academies Internet Forum on Integrated Sustainability Assessment, March. Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Submissions 2005

Integrating Wind Generation into the Australian National Electricity Market, paper submitted for review for the 2005 ANZSES Conference, Dunedin .

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2005
Joint submission with the Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering on the Minimum Energy Performance Standards for air conditioners Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Richard Corkish, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2005

National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Australia - 2004, prepared for the Australian PVPS Consortium, May 2005.

Muriel Watt Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2005

Photovoltaics and Peak Electricity Loads, Summer 2003-04, Report prepared for the BCSE, May 2005.

Muriel Watt, Monica Oliphant, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner, Scott Partlin Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2005
Some options for State-based Renewable Obligations in Australia, paper submitted for review for the 2005 ANZSES Conference, Dunedin Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2005

Strategic retailer behaviour in an electricity contract market

Eddie Anderson, Xinmin Hu Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers 2005
