CEEM researchers presenting


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Event Presenter Research area Type Location Date
Assessing the Economic Value and Market Implications of PV in the Australian National Electric Market Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Seminar ‘Value of Solar PV for Singapore’ Energy Studies Institute Workshop, National University of Singapore, Singapore Thursday 18th February 2016
Solar PV in ASEAN – Challenges and Opportunities Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Seminar ‘Value of Solar PV for Singapore’ Energy Studies Institute Workshop, National University of Singapore, Singapore Thursday 18th February 2016
100% Renewables for Australia? Challenges and Opportunities Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Seminar Solar Supercharge, QUT Sunday 14th February 2016
Kyoto to Paris: Same, same but different Emissions trading Seminar Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society (AARES) 60th Conference, Canberra Friday 5th February 2016
The Role of Renewables in Hedging against Future Uncertainties and Enhancing Energy Security Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore Tuesday 8th December 2015
Robust energy policy frameworks for investment into future grids Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Seminar CSIRO Future Grid Industry Forum, University of Sydney Thursday 19th November 2015
Solar PV in ASEAN – Challenges and Opportunities Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Seminar 2nd Clean Energy Forum of East Asia Summit, Haikou, China Tuesday 17th November 2015
Energy Transitions in Africa Sustainability & general Public forum Central Lecture Block 6, Kensington Campus, UNSW Monday 16th November 2015
Future high renewable electricity scenarios – Insights from mapping the diversity of near least cost portfolios Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane Sunday 15th November 2015
Rethinking Business Models for Network Service Providers – Shadow Pricing against Storage Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Seminar IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane Sunday 15th November 2015
Transforming Electricity Generation in the Remote Northern Territory Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Seminar Microgrid 2015, Canberra Wednesday 14th October 2015
What might ‘astute and effective policy’ look like for the Future Grid? Sustainability & general Seminar Australia All-Energy Conference, Melbourne Wednesday 7th October 2015
Flexibility, certainty and federalism: challenges for governance in Australia’s electricity industry Sustainability & general Seminar Theatre LG07, Tyree Energy Technology Building (H6), UNSW, Kensington campus Thursday 3rd September 2015
Germany’s energy transition and its implications for Australia Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Seminar Colombo Theatre A, Kensington Campus, UNSW Monday 31st August 2015
100% Renewables for Australia? Challenges and Opportunities Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Seminar CIDER - Conference on Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in the Asia Pacific Region, CIGRE and IEEE Power and Energy Society, Brisbane Thursday 20th August 2015
Impact of Operational Constraints on Generation Portfolio Planning with Renewables Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, USA Sunday 26th July 2015
Impact of Operational Constraints on Generation Portfolio Planning with Variable Renewable Generation Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Poster IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, USA Sunday 26th July 2015
An examination of the impact of integrated reporting on early-moving firms Emissions trading Seminar 2015 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Hobart, Tasmania Monday 6th July 2015