South African Carbon Tax – implications and opportunities for Australia

South African Carbon Tax – implications and opportunities for Australia

8am for 8.15-9.30am, Fri 8th Feb, Level 27, AMP Centre, 50 Bridge St, Sydney. 

Carbon pricing mechanisms are being implemented in a number of countries around the world, including many in which Australian businesses invest and operate. South Africa has been reviewing its options to develop a low carbon economy and introduce nationally appropriate mitigation actions. One of the options being considered by the South African Government is the introduction of a carbon tax on emissions from industry and business.

Baker & McKenzie and the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM) invite you to a breakfast seminar with Professor Harald Winkler from the University of Cape Town's Energy Research Centre, who will speak on the proposed South African carbon tax and other carbon and energy policy initiatives under development in Africa.

Flyer [PDF]

Event date
Friday 8th February 2013
Event address
Level 27, AMP Centre 50 Bridge Street, Sydney