Blind men and the elephant: The problem of resource adequacy in US organized power markets

CEEM and SPREE Joint Seminar with Eric Gimon from Energy Innovation

Location and time: Wednesday, 16th October, 13:00 in TETB LG05.

SPEAKERS: Eric Gimon (Energy Innovation)


Resource adequacy is a broad planning term for policymakers to examine whether power markets will remain in a position to provide electricity to customers under a plausible set of future conditions.  It's never been easy to nail down, but in a market environment with flat demand, changing cost structures and new emerging technology along with the rise of variable energy resources the challenge has substantially increased.  We will take a tour of the US market to look at how each is struggling with the question of resource adequacy.  I will then present ideas on how planners might or should proceed and some of the unusual take-away that today’s electricity market signals are sending.


Dr Eric Gimon is a senior fellow with the non-profit think tank Energy Innovation based in San Francisco.  He works closely with clean energy advocates, industry groups, regulators and other policy makers to promote a transition to a clean electricity grid.  A former theoretical physicist, Dr. Gimon is focused on the fundamental animating principles of this transition, publishing research on topics like future market design, resource adequacy, distributed energy resources and solutions for overcoming barriers to a cleaner grid.   It is his firm belief that a thoughtful examination of possible futures is crucial to good policy making today, so he is focused on transforming insights from research into actionable information for the key electricity industry debates of the day. Recent publications include "The Coal Cost Crossover" and papers on "Wholesale Electricity Market Design For Rapid Decarbonization"

All welcome – no registration required.


Event date
Wednesday 16th October 2019
Event address
UNSW Tyree Energy Technologies Building - LG05